Results for 'Gregory D. Hager'

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  1.  34
    Characterizing the Details of Spatial Construction: Cognitive Constraints and Variability.Amy Lynne Shelton, E. Emory Davis, Cathryn S. Cortesa, Jonathan D. Jones, Gregory D. Hager, Sanjeev Khudanpur & Barbara Landau - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (1):e13081.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2022.
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  2. After the naming explosion : Joachim Wach's unfinished project.Gregory D. Alles - 2010 - In Christian K. Wedemeyer & Wendy Doniger, Hermeneutics, politics, and the history of religions: the contested legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  3. On the Possibility of Friendship between Teachers and Students: The Pedagogical Suspension of the Amical.Gregory D. Loving - 2011 - Philosophical Studies in Education 42:44 - 54.
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    Epistemology from the angle of physiological psychology.Gregory D. Walcott - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (18):477-483.
  5.  13
    Discussant Comment on “Is Tone at the Top Associated with Financial Reporting Aggressiveness?” by Lorenzo Patelli, Matteo Pedrini.Gregory D. Saxton - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (1):21-24.
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  6. In starvation's shadow: The role of logistics in the strained byzantine-european relations during the first crusade.Gregory D. Bell - 2010 - Byzantion 80:38-71.
    At the time of the First Crusade, numerous factors fed the tension between the Byzantines and those Western Europeans who traveled through imperial lands. However, one of these factors - the supply of food - is often assumed or taken for granted. The purpose of this article is to examine the impact that the acquisition of food had on relations between the purported allies. It seems that during the First Crusade, at a critical juncture in their ongoing social and political (...)
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    Primary and secondary qualities.Gregory D. Walcott - 1926 - Philosophical Review 35 (5):465-472.
  8.  44
    Do CSR Messages Resonate? Examining Public Reactions to Firms’ CSR Efforts on Social Media.Gregory D. Saxton, Lina Gomez, Zed Ngoh, Yi-Pin Lin & Sarah Dietrich - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):359-377.
    We posit a key goal of firms’ corporate social responsibility efforts is to influence reputation through carefully crafted communicative practices. This trend has accelerated with the rise of social media such as Twitter and Facebook, which are essentially public message networks that organizations are leveraging to engage with concerned audiences. Given the large number of messages sent on these sites, only some will be effective and achieve broad public resonance. Building on signaling theory, this paper asks whether and how messages (...)
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    Latin American and Logical Positivism.Gregory D. Gilson - 2012 - In Gregory D. Gilson & Irving W. Levinson, Latin American Positivism: New Historical and Philosophic Essays. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 13.
  10.  24
    Responding to Diffused Stakeholders on Social Media: Connective Power and Firm Reactions to CSR-Related Twitter Messages.Gregory D. Saxton, Charlotte Ren & Chao Guo - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (2):229-252.
    Social media offers a platform for diffused stakeholders to interact with firms—alternatively praising, questioning, and chastising businesses for their CSR performance and seeking to engage in two-way dialogue. In 2014, 163,402 public messages were sent to Fortune 200 firms’ CSR-focused Twitter accounts, each of which was either shared, replied to, “liked,” or ignored by the targeted firm. This paper examines firm reactions to these messages, building a model of firm response to stakeholders that combines the notions of CSR communication and (...)
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    Problems and paradigms: Altering sex ratios: The games microbes play.Gregory D. D. Hurst, Laurence D. Hurst & Michael E. N. Majerus - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (10):695-697.
    The male gametes of most organisms lack cytoplasm. Consequently, most cytoplasmic genetic elements are maternally inherited: they cannot be transmitted patrilinnearly. The evolutionary interests of cytoplasmic elements therefore lie in transmission through the female. These elements may thus be in evolutionary conflict with nuclear genes which are transmitted by both sexes. This conflict is manifested in observations of cytoplasmically induced biased sex‐ratios. Some cytoplasmic genes avoid this fate by biasing the primary sex ratio towards females, or by inducing parthenogenesis. Others (...)
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    Twitter-Based Social Accountability Processes: The Roles for Financial Inscriptions-Based and Values-Based Messaging.Gregory D. Saxton & Dean Neu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):1041-1064.
    Social media is changing social accountability practices. The release of the Panama Papers on April 3, 2016 by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) unleashed a tsunami of over 5 million tweets decrying corrupt politicians and tax-avoiding business elites, calling for policy change from governments, and demanding accountability from corporate and private tax avoiders. The current study uses 297,000+ original English-language geo-codable tweets with the hashtags #PanamaGate, #PanamaPapers, or #PanamaLeaks to examine the trajectory of Twitter-based social accountability conversations and (...)
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    Enhanced peripheral visual processing in congenitally deaf humans is supported by multiple brain regions, including primary auditory cortex.Gregory D. Scott, Christina M. Karns, Mark W. Dow, Courtney Stevens & Helen J. Neville - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  14. Cargo Cult Science and the Study of Religions: Genealogy in an Age of Globalization.Gregory D. Alles - 2008 - In Jonathan Z. Smith, Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon, Introducing religion: essays in honor of Jonathan Z. Smith. Oakville: Equinox. pp. 18--39.
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    sanoff's Schopenhauer's Criticism of Kant's Theory of Experience. [REVIEW]Gregory D. Walcott - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy 9 (6):161.
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    Review of A Comparative Dictionary of Raute and Rawat: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Central Himalayas. [REVIEW]Gregory D. S. Anderson - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (2):441-442.
    A Comparative Dictionary of Raute and Rawat: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Central Himalayas. By Jana Fortier. Harvard Oriental Series, vol. 88. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. Pp. xx + 276. $50.
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    The Relationship Between Sarbanes–Oxley Policies and Donor Advisories in Nonprofit Organizations.Gregory D. Saxton & Daniel G. Neely - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):333-351.
    This study examines the impact of Sarbanes–Oxley on the nonprofit sector. Focusing on three key SOX policies applicable to charities—conflict-of-interest policies, records retention policies, and whistleblower policies—this study tests the relationship between the existence and addition of these policies on subsequent ethical and governance lapses as reflected in the issuance of “donor advisories” by the large third-party ratings agency Charity Navigator. The findings suggest that, controlling for other relevant organizational factors, the three SOX-inspired written policies are related to a reduced (...)
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  18. B is innocent.D. Gregory - 2001 - Analysis 61 (3):225-229.
    The paper replies to an earlier paper by Yannis Stephanou, who presented an argument purportedly showing the falsity of certain instances of the characteristic axiom of the modal logic B. The paper argues that the B axiom was not to blame for the unsoundness of Stephanou's argument.
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  19. Quantitative trends in establishing a psychology of science : a review of the metasciences. [REVIEW]Gregory D. Webster - 2013 - In Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman, Handbook of the psychology of science. New York: Springer Pub. Company, LLC.
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    Lineage, Sex, and Wealth as Moderators of Kin Investment.Gregory D. Webster, Angela Bryan, Charles B. Crawford, Lisa McCarthy & Brandy H. Cohen - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (2):189-210.
    Supporting Hamilton’s inclusive fitness theory, archival analyses of inheritance patterns in wills have revealed that people invest more of their estates in kin of closer genetic relatedness. Recent classroom experiments have shown that this genetic relatedness effect is stronger for relatives of direct lineage (children, grandchildren) than for relatives of collateral lineage (siblings, nieces, nephews). In the present research, multilevel modeling of more than 1,000 British Columbian wills revealed a positive effect of genetic relatedness on proportions of estates allocated to (...)
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    The essentials of a first course in ethics.Gregory D. Walcott - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (1):15-21.
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    Black intellectual thought in modern America: a historical perspective.Brian D. Behnken, Gregory D. Smithers & Simon Wendt (eds.) - 2017 - Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
    An inclusive survey from Frederick Douglass to the voices of Black Lives Matter.
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    A new content course in philosophy.Gregory D. Walcott - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 17 (15):408-415.
  24. Psychology of scientific judgment and decision making.Joanne Kane & Gregory D. Webster - 2013 - In Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman, Handbook of the psychology of science. New York: Springer Pub. Company, LLC.
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  25. Some great figures.Gregory D. Gilson & Gregory Pappas - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno, A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  26.  28
    Some Great Figures.Gregory D. Gilson & Gregory Fernando Pappas - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno, A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 497–524.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Acosta, José de (1539–1600) Alberdi, Juan Bautista (1810–84) Bello, Andrés (1781–1865) Bilbao, Francisco (1823–65) Bolkvar, Simón (1783–1830) Casas, Bartolomé de las (1484–1566) Caso, Antonio (1883–1946) Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la (1651–95) da Costa, Newton Carneiro Affonso (b. 1929) Dussel, Enrique (b. 1934) Frondizi, Risieri (1910–83) Gaos, José (1900–69) González Prada, Manuel (1848–1918) Gracia, Jorge J. E. (b. 1942) Haya de la Torre, Victor Raúl (1895–1979) Hostos, Eugenio Marka de (1839–1903) Ingenieros, José (1877–1925) Korn, Alejandro (...)
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  27. The resonant thought of GE Moore.Gregory D. Gilson - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):139-146.
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  28.  30
    Social Accountability, Ethics, and the Occupy Wall Street Protests.Dean Neu, Gregory D. Saxton & Abu S. Rahaman - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):17-31.
    This study examines the 3.5 m+ English-language original tweets that occurred during the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests. Starting from previous research, we analyze how character terms such as “the banker,” “politician,” “the teaparty,” “GOP,” and “the corporation,” as well as concept terms such as “ethics,” “fairness,” “morals,” “justice,” and “democracy” were used by individual participants to respond to the Occupy Wall Street events. These character and concept terms not only allowed individuals to take an ethical stance but also accumulated (...)
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  29.  14
    Review of The Mind Incarnate, by Lawrence Shapiro. [REVIEW]Gregory D. Gilson - 2005 - Essays in Philosophy 6 (1):243-248.
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    Cancer's second genome: Microbial cancer diagnostics and redefining clonal evolution as a multispecies process.Gregory D. Sepich-Poore, Caitlin Guccione, Lucie Laplane, Thomas Pradeu, Kit Curtius & Rob Knight - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (5):2100252.
    The presence and role of microbes in human cancers has come full circle in the last century. Tumors are no longer considered aseptic, but implications for cancer biology and oncology remain underappreciated. Opportunities to identify and build translational diagnostics, prognostics, and therapeutics that exploit cancer's second genome—the metagenome—are manifold, but require careful consideration of microbial experimental idiosyncrasies that are distinct from host‐centric methods. Furthermore, the discoveries of intracellular and intra‐metastatic cancer bacteria necessitate fundamental changes in describing clonal evolution and selection, (...)
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    The Principles of Reasoning. [REVIEW]Gregory D. Walcott - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (15):417-418.
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    Schopenhauer's Criticism of Kant's Theory of Experience. [REVIEW]Gregory D. Walcott - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (6):161-164.
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    Book Review: The Inquisition in Hollywood: Politics in the Film Industry, 1930–1960, Naming Names. [REVIEW]Gregory D. Black - 1983 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 13 (1):123-126.
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    Twitter-Based Social Accountability Callouts.Dean Neu & Gregory D. Saxton - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (4):797-815.
    The ICIJ’s release of thePanama Papersin 2016 opened up a wealth of previously private financial information on the tax avoidance, tax evasion, and wealth concealment activities of politicians, government officials, and their allies. Drawing upon prior accountability and ethics focused research, we utilize a dataset of almost 28 M tweets sent between 2016 and early 2020 to consider the microdetails and overall trajectory of this particular social accountability conversation. The study shows how the publication of previously private financial information triggered (...)
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    Building Ethical Narratives: The Audiences for AICPA Editorials.Dean Neu & Gregory D. Saxton - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):1055-1072.
    This study examines how the American Institute of Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) uses character and concept words to communicate normative narratives to different internal audiences. Our analysis of 552 editorials published in the AICPA’s Journal of Accountancy during the 1916–1973 period illustrates how the AICPA communicated similar yet different normative narratives to firm partners and students. During this time period, the centrality of ethically infused words such as ethics, conduct, and independence not only varied across different time periods but also (...)
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    Correction: Social Accountability, Ethics, and the Occupy Wall Street Protests.Dean Neu, Gregory D. Saxton & Abu S. Rahaman - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):33-33.
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    The Holy in a pluralistic world: Rudolf Otto's legacy in the 21st century.Ulrich Rosenhagen & Gregory D. Alles (eds.) - 2022 - Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
    Rudolf Otto (1869-1937) is widely recognized as one of the most important contributors to the study of religions at the beginning of the 20th century. This book issues an invitation to those with an interest not just in religions but also in cultural phenomena more broadly to take another look at Rudolf Otto and his ideas.
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    The Mediating Roles of Attitude Toward COVID-19 Vaccination, Trust in Science and Trust in Government in the Relationship Between Anti-vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs and Vaccination Intention.Miriam Capasso, Daniela Caso & Gregory D. Zimet - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many conspiracy theories have spread widely, which has the potential to reduce adherence to recommended preventive measures. Specifically, anti-vaccine conspiracy beliefs can have a strong negative impact on COVID-19 vaccination attitude and intention. The present study aimed to clarify how such beliefs can reduce vaccination intention, exploring the possible mediating roles of attitude toward vaccination, trust in science, and trust in government, among a sample of 822 unvaccinated Italian adults. Path analysis showed that anti-vaccine conspiracy (...)
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    "Review of" The Mind Incarnate". [REVIEW]Gregory D. Gilson - 2005 - Essays in Philosophy 6 (1):8.
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  40. Epistemic Modality edited by Andy Egan and Brian Weatherson. [REVIEW]D. Gregory - 2013 - Analysis 73 (1):186-188.
  41.  77
    Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research.Thomas Pradeu, Bertrand Daignan-Fornier, Andrew Ewald, Pierre-Luc Germain, Samir Okasha, Anya Plutynski, Sébastien Benzekry, Marta Bertolaso, Mina Bissell, Joel S. Brown, Benjamin Chin-Yee, Ian Chin-Yee, Hans Clevers, Laurent Cognet, Marie Darrason, Emmanuel Farge, Jean Feunteun, Jérôme Galon, Elodie Giroux, Sara Green, Fridolin Gross, Fanny Jaulin, Rob Knight, Ezio Laconi, Nicolas Larmonier, Carlo Maley, Alberto Mantovani, Violaine Moreau, Pierre Nassoy, Elena Rondeau, David Santamaria, Catherine M. Sawai, Andrei Seluanov, Gregory D. Sepich-Poore, Vanja Sisirak, Eric Solary, Sarah Yvonnet & Lucie Laplane - 2023 - Biological Reviews 98 (5):1668-1686.
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    Evaluating cardiovascular mortality in type 2 diabetes patients: an analysis based on competing risks Markov Chains and additive regression models.Rosalba Rosato, G. Ciccone, S. Bo, G. F. Pagano, F. Merletti & D. Gregori - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):422-428.
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  43. Arló-Costa, H., 479 Armour-Garb, B., 593 Azzouni, J., 329 Batens, D., 267.J. C. Beall, T. Bigaj, T. Fernando, B. Fitelson, N. Foo, W. Goldfarb, D. Gregory, T. Hailperin, H. Halvorson & K. Harris - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (619).
  44. Soft-Bodied Fossils Are Not Simply Rotten Carcasses - Toward a Holistic Understanding of Exceptional Fossil Preservation.Luke A. Parry, Fiann Smithwick, Klara K. Nordén, Evan T. Saitta, Jesus Lozano-Fernandez, Alastair R. Tanner, Jean-Bernard Caron, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Derek E. G. Briggs & Jakob Vinther - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (1):1700167.
    Exceptionally preserved fossils are the product of complex interplays of biological and geological processes including burial, autolysis and microbial decay, authigenic mineralization, diagenesis, metamorphism, and finally weathering and exhumation. Determining which tissues are preserved and how biases affect their preservation pathways is important for interpreting fossils in phylogenetic, ecological, and evolutionary frameworks. Although laboratory decay experiments reveal important aspects of fossilization, applying the results directly to the interpretation of exceptionally preserved fossils may overlook the impact of other key processes that (...)
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    Preventive misconception and adolescents' knowledge about HIV vaccine trials.Mary A. Ott, Andreia B. Alexander, Michelle Lally, John B. Steever & Gregory D. Zimet - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (12):765-771.
    Objective Adolescents have had very limited access to research on biomedical prevention interventions despite high rates of HIV acquisition. One concern is that adolescents are a vulnerable population, and trials carry a possibility of harm, requiring investigators to take additional precautions. Of particular concern is preventive misconception, or the overestimation of personal protection that is afforded by enrolment in a prevention intervention trial. Methods As part of a larger study of preventive misconception in adolescent HIV vaccine trials, we interviewed 33 (...)
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    Population Density and Moment-based Approaches to Modeling Domain Calcium-mediated Inactivation of L-type Calcium Channels.Xiao Wang, Kiah Hardcastle, Seth H. Weinberg & Gregory D. Smith - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (1):11-32.
    We present a population density and moment-based description of the stochastic dynamics of domain $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ -mediated inactivation of L-type $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ channels. Our approach accounts for the effect of heterogeneity of local $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ signals on whole cell $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ currents; however, in contrast with prior work, e.g., Sherman et al. :985–995, 1990), we do not assume that $${\text{Ca}}^{2+}$$ domain formation and collapse are fast compared to channel gating. We demonstrate the population density and moment-based modeling approaches using a 12-state Markov chain model (...)
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    We Shall. Photographs by Paul D'amato.Paul D'Amato, Gregory J. Harris & Cleophus J. Lee - 2013 - Depaul Art Museum.
    Through emotionally charged portraits and richly layered interior views, the photographs of Chicago-based artist Paul D Amato provide a genuine and complex perspective on life in some of the most challenging and troubled neighborhoods in the nation. This publication is supported in part by grants from the David C. and Sarajean Ruttenberg Arts Foundation and the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation.".
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    Health care ethics committees: The next generation. [REVIEW]J. W. Ross, J. W. Glaser, D. Rasinski-Gregory, J. M. Gibson, C. Bayley & Giles R. Scofield - 1994 - HEC Forum 6 (3):157-162.
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  49. The integrated model of professional competence.P. Hager & D. Beckett - 1995 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 27 (2):25-42.
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  50. Exegesis and Argument Studies in Greek Philosophy Presented to Gregory Vlastos.Gregory Vlastos, Alexander P. D. Mourelatos & Richard Rorty - 1973 - Van Gorcum.
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